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Isaiah 30:15

"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength."

God is warning Judah here that turning to Egypt and other nations for military might could not save them. Only God could do that. They must wait for him in "quietness and trust" No amount of fast talking or hasty activity could speed up God's grand design. We have nothing to say to God but Thank You!

Salvation comes from God alone and because he as saved us, we can trust him and be peacefully confident that he will give us strength to face our difficulties. We should lay aside our restless activity and endless striving and allow him to act for us.

Some people in Judah sought refuge in Egypt in their desire to find security, they wanted only to hear good news. They did not welcome the truth from God's prophets. Often the truth makes us uncomfortable. We prefer lies and illusions when they make us feel more secure. But to face reality is much better than to live a lie. Don't settle for words that make you feel comfortable but hold no truth.


When was a time when the truth of God's word made you uncomfortable? What did you do?


Dear God, your strength and authority are without limits, please strengthen my spirit, my mind and my body so I can serve you well and bring glory to Your name. Remind me to trust in you always and that your truth is the only truth. Help me to keep my focus on you and your word each day. Help me rest in your promises and trust you Father. In Jesus name I pray Amen.


Ask God if there is a lie or illusion that is getting in your way and if there is to help you bring it to light so you can face it and for him to help you work through it so you can grow closer to God.

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