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ROMANS 12:11

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

You know if we aren't careful it is easy to let life get in the way and our enthusiasm for God can suffer. Guess what, satan knows this and is just waiting for the chance to step in and attack your zeal for God. I am here to tell you do NOT let him!! Protect your passion and zeal at all costs. Pray, study your bible, fellowship with other believers and stay close. This zeal of the Lord is a consuming fire within you and the very moment we decide to lose our passion and enthusiasm our perspective or vision loses its divine focus and that is what the devil is waiting for!


On a scale of 1-10 1 being cold and 10 being hot. Where do you place your sense of passion in prayer right now? Is it growing, diminishing or about the same as it has been for a while

Think of a time when your passion for prayer was high. What circumstances caused this and what was the result?

Think of a time when your passion for prayer had diminished. What circumstances caused this and what was the result?


God I am asking you to light my heart wih Your fire to pursue my purpose passionately, directing my steps so I am accurately fulfilling your will for my life. I want to fulfill my divine calling with the right heart and motives please help me to do so. Help me use everything You have placed in my hands to honor Jesus and to accomplish all God has called me to do in my generation. Give me clarity about my purpose so I can possess a renewed sense of love for what you are calling me to do. Show me areas to improve for spiritiual enrichment and empowerment. Ignite me with fresh passion to fulfill my destiny and Your purpose. In Jesus name I pray Amen.


Write down any ways you can be on guard against obstacles to godly passion

Ask God to show you one specific, practical thing you can do to ignite or increase your passion. Write it down, post it where you can see it daily and put it into practice today.

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