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God is the best promise keeper you will ever find. He doesn't grow weary or weak. He is perfect peace and full of truth and righteousness. He is powerful to save. He always follows through on his word and he sees the beginning and the end. He has no hidden agendas or motives, he is full of light and love and continuously reveals his goodness to us.

Ezekiel 16 talks about Sodom and their betrayal and how they turned from God and God destroyed them for their sinful ways. The city of Sodom is a symbol of total corruption and it is easy to sit here and try to judge and condemn Sodom especially for their terrible 'sexual sins' but don't forget they were also proud, overfed and unconcerned about those who were in need within their reach. We can try to be selective about what is sinful and we may think we are living good enough lives. But what about sins such as pride, laziness, gluttony and indifference to people who need our help? These may not seem shocking like some others but they are still forbidden by God.

Although the people of Sodom of had broken their promises and didn't deserve anything but punishment. God would not break his promise. Ezekiel 16: 59-60 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will deal with you as you deserve, because you have despised my oath by breaking the covenant. Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish and everlasting covenant with you.

God would not break his promises. If the people turned back to him, he would again forgive them and renew his covenant with them. This covenant was ultimately put into effect when Jesus paid for the sins of all people by his death on the cross. No one is beyond the reach of God's forgivness. Although we don't deserve anything but punishment for our sins. God's arms are still outstretched. He will not break his promise to give us salvation and forgiveness if we repent and turn to him.


Have you welcomed God in? His loving arms are outstretched and waiting to welcome you in. All you have to do is ask.


Dear heavenly Father, we are asking you to forgive our sins, the ones we know we've committed and the ones we don't know we've committed. We thank you for always keeping your promises and keeping us close to you and for the ultimate sacrifice of your Son to save us from our sin. Be with us today in our walk through this world and keep us safe. In Jesus name we pray,


Volunteer at a local shelter, help a friend in need, pay it forward at the drive thru. Ask God in, welcome him into every day of your life, study his word, pray and stay close to him and learn of all his promises it will bring you a peace you can only imagine.

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