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Writer's picturejlh

Pray throughout the Day

Are you having a rough time getting the kids off to school in the morning?


Are you stuck in traffic and worried you are going to be late to work?


Did you get good news at your job interview?


Did your son ace the math test he studied so hard for?


Did you burn dinner black?


Is the house still a mess from all the chaos of the day?


Did everyone make it through the day alive and well?


Do you see a common theme here? If you said Praying that would be correct!

Philippians 4: 6-7

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I know better than anyone as you are going through the business of the day you don't always think to pray first, but since I have made that a priority my life has changed. Just over the last few weeks I have little reminders everywhere to so I remember good, bad or ugly to pray all throughout the day and my days are better because of it. Even on the bad days they are better. You know why? Because I am inviting God in all throughout the day instead of just in the morning or just in the evening at prayer time. I am letting him see the real me all day long and having a real relationship with him, instead of just asking things of him, I am asking to know him and for him to know me. I want him to know the real me. I want him to know the me who gets upset when the material she is expecting doesn't show up and now has to scramble to fix the problem so sales isn't angry at her, I want him to know the real me who gets excited when the grandkids call or come over, I want him to know the real me who is tired after a long day of work, house chores and taking care of family and just needs a few minutes of rest. If I don't let him in for those moments then I am afraid I am missing an important part of our relationship and I don't want to miss anything God wants to share with me.

What can you do to invite God into your day more? Where can you share more of yourself? What part should you be more free with? I would love to hear from you? Feel free to message me here or on Facebook and we can talk more about this. I look forward to hearing from you!

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