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Every summer you see yard sales pop up and I know a lot of folks who love to see what "treasure" they can find there. A few years ago, mom and I were garage saling and came across one that had several kids board games. One of them was horseopoly, I had never heard of it but we thought it might be fun playing with the grand littles. I can tell you that $2 spent has created some of my best memories with the grand littles.

What makes an item valuable isn't necessarily the item but the perspective of the owner. If a person loves something such as making memories with an unheard of game with their grand littles, or the dandelion your 3 year old grand daughter brings because she loves to pick flowers, the opinions of others no longer matter.

The Bible speaks of the deep value God places on us in Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do." You know often times we are confused or doubtful in our value. God continues to view us as His creation, His workmanship a beautiful work of art for him to look upon.

In today's age of social media comparisons run rampant, however we would do well to remember who our creator is. Only our creator has the right to judge our value and worth. So, regardless of how you think or feel about yourself, remember God created you for good works to be accomplished in Jesus name.


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