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If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 NIV

How amazing of a God we serve! God wants to forgive us. He allowed his Son to die just so he could offer us a pardon. He canceled our debt, dismissed our charges. When we come to Christ, he forgives all the sines we have committed or will ever commit. Of course, we should still confess our sins, but not because failure to do so will make us lose our salvation. Our relationship with Christ is secure, we should confess so we can enjoy maximum fellowhip and joy with God.

True confession also involves a committment to not continue in sin. We wouldn't be genuinely confessing our sins to God if we planned on committing them again and again and only wanted temporary forgiveness. Rather we should pray for strength to defeat temptation the next time we face it.

Others may respond to your shortcomings with a lack of grace and your own heart may condemn you, but God forgives without frustration or hesitation. His forgiveness is a joyful overflow of His love for you that not only covers your sins but declares you His beloved child. He treats you not as a stranger but has adopted you. When you confess your sins, them you must refuse to listen to the voices of shame and condemnation, for they are not from Him. Instead, imaging Jesus beckoning you to run to his open arms, longing for you to understand the greatness of His love. Jesus loves you so much He died on the cross for you.


In what ways might my view of God be preventing me from boldly confessing my sins, assured of his accepatance and forgiveness?


Father God, thank you for the sacrifice of your Son on the cross to forgive my sins. Please give me strength and courage to come to you on my knees and ask for your forgiveness so that our relationship can grow in the way it needs to when my heart is clear. Reveal and silence any voices of shame, guilt and condemnation that are stopping me and distorting my perspective. Lead me to a deeper understanding of Your love and bring me closer to you.


Follow Gods lead and forgive someone who has wronged you and ask God for joy as you do so.

WRITTEN with guidance from With God I always have Hope by Chosen publishing Group

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