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"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Pastor spoke of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness through a life of Christ. How awesome is our God's love that he sacrificed his son for us so we could live. Jesus died to set us free from sin and from a long list of laws and regulations. But he did not set us free to do whatever we want, because that would lead us back into slavery to our selfish desires. Rather, thanks to Christ, we are now free and able to do what was impossible before --to live unselfishly. Those who appeal to their freedom so that they can have their own way or indulge in their own desires are falling back in to sin. But it is also wrong to put a heavy burden of law keepingon Chrisitians. We must stand against those who would enslave us with rules, methods, or special conditions for being saved or growing in Christ.

REFLECTION: Are you pursuing a life with Christ? What can you do to build your relationship with Christ this week?

PRAYER: God of freedom and grace, please give me your Spririt of wisdom to understand all the ways you have blessed me. Help me to use those blessings to share Your grace with others and to do Your will each day. May I never take for granted Your gifts or abuse my freedoms won at such a great cost. You are my salvation and I need you every day. Thank you for all you do each day and I praise and worship You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

ACTION: Significantly, it is Christ who has made us free. We don’t make ourselves free. Freedom is a gift of Jesus, given to us and received by faith. When we struggle to free ourselves, we just become more entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

Take time to show gratitude to Christ for the gift of freedom he has given you. If you need help with this feel free to message us here or join us at our prayer meeting this week.

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