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I get several Christian emails daily devotionals, prayers, studies etc and sometimes they speak to me and sometimes they don't today this one did and I am going to share it with you. I got this idea from Deborah Rosenkranz.

Do you find it difficult to talk about your faith where you live, work, socialize or even with your family? What if your enivornment made it easier would you do it then?

I want to encourage you to speak up anyway today, I know it can be hard, however God is with you and will give you strength and courage if you ask. And to show how thankful you are for what God has given you is an amazing opportunity. The gift of eternity, to realize that only He can give a truly fulfililng life. See Psalm 16:1-11

"You know, life in Corinth, the city to which Paul had been sent by God, was no bed of roses. I'm sure you've read verses from Corinthians before, but are you aware that Corinth was a port city where many people, even from far away, traveled in and out? As described in Corinthians, the city was a transportation hub with many arrivals and departures.

So it was a place for people who were eager to seek entertainment during their visit, and you surely know what that means. People who were far from home, with no social media, so there was no risk that anything they did would ever get out to the public.

Corinth was not the place where you would have wanted to speak of God voluntarily, because they didn't want to hear you there. But for that very reason, because there was so much sin in that place, because people wanted to forget their troubles with alcohol, prostitution and more, God sent Paul among them.

To repeat, He sent him there with these words, "...Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.“ (Acts 18:9 NIV)"

You too, can take these words to heart, God needs you where you are. Don't hide what you believe!

Imaginie if you just stood up today with confidence and went into your day with that truth, smiling at the people around you even though they might laugh at you because of your faith? Believe me, if you keep smiling, eventually they will want to know what you have and how you got it and will start doubting themselves not you!

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