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  • Writer's picturejlh

But I only Sin a Little....

We often see what we think are "little" sins in our life and brush them off as no big deal, we overlook them I mean `it's not like binge watching my favorite show every night instead of doing Bible study is the same thing as murder right? Or the little snarky comment I made at work, is the same as robbing a bank? What if the binge watching is actually revealing that you have a problem with idolizing comfort? Or the snarky comments hide a deeper problem with envy or pride? A "little" gossip turns into discord and disunity. I am guessing you get the picture by now.

Our problem with sin is no little thing at all.

First, in the eyes of God, sin is sin. It doesn't matter if it is murder or "little" it is sin. God is holy and righteous, and nothing that is not holy and righteous can stand before him. One sin is enough to keep us from him. Considering we sin not just once, but multiple times a day, our problem is not little thing at all.

Secondly, sin never stays "little." Like weeds, it grows, spreads and multiplies sometimes like wildfire. “Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” (1 Cor. 5:6). It produces offspring of other sins. Like an invasive vine, it twists itself around our heart, choking out our life. And like a vine- covered forest, it blocks us from the light of life. Sin left unattended or ignored destroys everything in its path.

So the next time you are thinking that oh, it's just a little sin and it won't hurt much, remember not only are you hurting yourself, you are hurting God and your relationship with him. And I don't know about you, but I never want to jeopardize my relationship with God again because he is the one true constant in my life.

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