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God wants us to live joyful, content lives, however sometimes he will cause a discontent or a feeling that something just isn't right. God doesn't want us to become complacent in our relationship with him. He wants us to seek Him so He can take us to new levels.

Do you have a feeling of something is off or like you have hit a wall in your relationship with Christ?

God wants our relationship to grow deeper and stronger not stay the same. He wants increased intimacy with us. He will lead you into that more mature relationship, by leading us out of our comfort zone. Too much comfort for too long can mean you are not growing. If you are feeling something in your heart but aren't quite sure what it is, ask God and then listen.

Listening is a vital part of our daily time with God, sometimes just sitting in the quiet and breathing deeply and taking time to listen is what it takes to open your heart to what God is saying to you.

Prayer of the day:

Father my desire is to grow deeper in my relationship with you and to take the next step in our relationship. Please help me to act on my faith and draw closer to You and take the action you are calling me to. Help me to increase my faith as I draw closer to you. In Jesus name I pray today. Amen

Idea Courtesy of Joyce Meyers Devotionals.

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