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Am I Spiritually Dry, Withered or Lifeless?

This week in Sunday school we are studying Habakkuk and we see in scripture that God will allow us to ve overtaken by our enemies if we become proud and self - reliant. Our study says this doesn't happen all at once which is so true, it happens a little at a time. You are tired so you don't get up as early and do Bible time. You are swamped at work and skip Bible study, the kids get sick, your sitter cancels, your house is a mess...... Sound familiar any number of things can call us away from God if we let them.

Over this period of time we become more and more dependent on ourselves and God takes a back seat, we neglect our secret prayer closet and our devotions to God. We forget where our focus should be and fall back into busyness that puts God further and further to the back of the list. We come to feel that whatever good we do have is of our own power and forget about God.

Our lesson says when this happens God will bring back focus to himself one way or another. We will either respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and be spiritually revived or we will come under God's judgement. I don't know about you, but I don't want to fall under his judgement that terrifies me. If we humble ourselves and pray and turn from our wicked ways, God will revive and renew our spritiual life.

What would a spiritual assessment reveal about your inner life? Would if show you are dry, you are withered or you are lifeless? If so, you are need of revival and God is waiting for you!

Reminding ourselves of God's might deeds helps us to focus on him and be able to look beyond the present and see the future he promises.

Some ways to bring your focus back to God this week!

Tell a Bible story to the littles in your life

Write a list of the ways God has blessed you and put it where you can see it daily

Give you testimony at church


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