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Sunrise over the Wheat Field


Bolivia: Michael & Donna Brown

From the beginning of our service to the Lord as missionaries, we discovered it to be full of many opportunities to share God's love! We are so thankful for the privilege of sharing Christ's love in a needy part of our world called Bolivia. 

At Berea Bible Seminary, Mike trains future leaders for the church, teaching young people who have a God-given desire to serve others in the name of Christ. Periodic ministry trips to remote regions of the country have provided incredible opportunities to share the Gospel, at times in places where any Christian witness at all is still very new. We continue to look forward to what God has in store for us next in the land of our calling—Bolivia, South America. As a nurse, Donna has used her knowledge and skills to help those with physical needs, taking part in medical campaigns around Bolivia. Now officially retired, Donna continues to support Mike in ministry,

Click here to read more on the Brown's.

Monthly Updates & Prayer Requests:


Mike and Donna arrived safely in Bolivia.  Mike has spoke at many churches and had good altar responses in all the services.

U.S. Southwest Ministries: Steve & Debbie Cartwright

Steve and Debbie minister in the Gila River Indian Community, south of Phoenix, Arizona. Their main ministries focus on discipling, training, and encouraging Native Christians. Together they pastor a Native congregation, Siloam Church. Steve is also involved in summer Bible camps, Victory Guitar Outreach, and SOAR (Servant-Overcomer Addiction Recovery.) Debbie leads youth and children’s ministries at the church, serves as Field Treasurer, and is a member of the Southwest Ministries Leadership Team.

Click here to read more on the Cartwright's

  • Thank you for praying for the special "healing and wholeness" weekend held June 2-4, which was sponsored by the SOAR Ministry at Siloam Church. (SOAR stands for Servant Overcomer Addiction Recovery.) We sensed the Spirit's presence with us, and many received help. God is so GOOD!

  • A team from Xenia Grace Chapel CCCU will be here July 8-15. We will have Vacation Bible School for the local children during the daytime and revival services in the evening.

  • Please pray that people will find the Lord and grow in the Lord. Pray also for our strength during these hot days of summer and for protection for our youth team members and their leaders.

  • We appreciate your continued prayers for Siloam Church as they have elected their first church board and the members are taking on various roles and responsibilities.

  • We are excited about this and what the Lord is going to do through all our brothers and sisters as they lead this ministry

U.S. Southwest Ministries: Doug & Becky Darfus


Doug and Becky Darfus serve as missionaries in Arizona.

They minister to Native families, discipling youth and adults across the Southwestern U.S. God has placed a calling on their hearts to help Native American youth find hope through the forgiveness and love of Jesus Christ.

Click here to read more on the Darfus's

  • Fall camps begin September 22-24 and October 27-29.  

  • Praise the Lord for 19 campers already registered!

  • Pray for the campers, the volunteers, and the logistics of the camp.

  • Pray specifically that campers would have open hearts and the work of the Holy Spirit would be embraced.

  • Pray for one of our teenage campers, K. She had an ovary removed due to cancer. Pray for her recovery and that the cancer does not appear anywhere else.

  • Pray continually for all three of our children, Noah, Elijah and Josiah. Pray that God would continue to reveal Himself to them and that they would desire to know Him better.

Click here to donate to the Darfus's

Papua New Guinea: Scott & Noel Hardaway


Scott and Noel serve as missionaries in Papua New Guinea.

After graduating from Asbury Theological Seminary (KY), Scott served as a pastor for 12 years in Michigan. He stepped down from that role after the loss of his first wife to cancer in 2012. Noel earned her degree in Bible and Elementary Education. She served as a missionary in Senegal, Africa, from 2006 to 2010. Scott and Noel were married in 2014.


Scott and Noel are thanking God for their funds that in to improve their campus secuitey.  They're hopin to install solar cameras and security lights.

Papua New Guinea: Benji and Erica Jenkins

Benji grew up in Papua New Guinea where his parents served as missionaries until he was fourteen. After serving on multiple short-term mission trips, Benji felt God calling him to full-time service during a year-long stay in Honduras.

Erica grew up in a Christian home in southern Ohio and felt called to full-time mission work while attending Ohio Christian University. After serving together on a WGM task force to Paraguay, Benji and Erica knew they would minister together for the rest of their lives.

  • Our time in the USA has come to an end! We are scheduled to depart on May 31st.

  • We are so thankful for the time we have been able to spend with friends, family, and many of you. God has blessed us through your giving to allow us to return to PNG. We praise the Lord for his provision and your faithfulness.

  • We will attend WGM’s IMPACT Leadership Conference in Albania from June 1st-9th, and then continue on to PNG.

  • Though requested far in advance, we still have not received our visas. Please pray for our PNG visas to arrive quickly.

  • Pray for our travels over the next month. Pray that the leadership conference will be beneficial, and that God would continue to shape us into better leaders.

  • We appreciate your prayers for our sons, Mark and Cameron. Mark will be serving on a work team through Ohio Christian University (OCU) to Honduras for a week.

  • Both of them will work all summer until they move into OCU in the fall. They will be doing a lot of big things without us for the first time. Maybe pray for us too!

  • Pray for the goodbyes. These will be extra difficult this time around.

  • Pray for continued wisdom and strength as we lead ministries and missionaries in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, and South Korea.

Updates & Continued Prayer requests

Pastors to Missionaries: Greg & Teresa Leeth

Greg and Teresa Leeth serve as Pastors to Missionaries. They count it a joy to be in service to our missionaries in ministries of discipleship, encouragement, and pastoral support. They have the privilege of serving over 150 missionaries and missionary kids around the world.

  • We appreciate your continued prayers for Greg and Teresa Leeth (Pastors to Missionaries) as they minister to missionaries at the Renewal Conference this week. Pray specifically for rest and care for the missionaries home from the field.

  • Next week, September 18-23, Greg and Teresa Leeth will be in McAllen, TX ministering to the team along the border. Pray for quality meetings as they come along side those working in Texas with support and care.

  • If you are interested in a 2024 mission team, please contact the General Missionary Department at 740-474-8856, or simply reply to this email. We will make sure you are notified of upcoming opportunities to serve nationally and internationally.

  • Save the Date: The 2024 CCCU Missions Banquet is scheduled for April 13th at Crossroads CCCU. Please make plans now to attend and bring a friend!

Papua New Guinea: Seth & Veronica Porter

They live in the Southern Highlands on the Montanda Mission Station. Montanda is about a four-hour drive from the town of Mt. Hagen, over rough roads into the bush. Their ministries consist of training nationals to fulfill ministry roles in the church, construction projects for the churches and mission, mentoring pastors, and preaching, and working with the national church in church-planting.

Seth was called into missions at a young age but struggled at first to know how God could use a country boy who worked with his hands on the mission field. As he got older, he recognized that God could use his skills—and anyone’s skills—for His kingdom. Veronica grew up as a missionary kid with WGM and was born and raised in Bolivia. You could say missions is in her blood.

They met, fell in love, got married, and knew that their lives would be dedicated to serving the Lord on the mission field for as long as He wanted. While still in college, they applied to be missionaries, raised funds, and went off on their first term as missionary disciples (two years) in PNG. God confirmed to them that this is where HE wanted them, and they now serve as career missionaries. They have served in PNG now for more than six years.

The Porters are excited about their ministries in PNG and can’t wait to see how God will continue to use them to further His kingdom.

Click here to learn more about the Porter's

seth  veronica porter.jpg
  • We praise God that construction has begun on the Munga church plant! The ground has been leveled, and we were able to deliver the supplies.

  • We thank God for his help with the delivery. Our truck was loaded with supplies, and the roads were rough. It was quite the day with the truck getting stuck several times, but we made it!

  • We appreciate your prayers for the Munga church plant as they continue to grow and develop ministries.

  • God helped us as we preached and did some outreach at the market in Toiwaro. Please continue to pray for opportunities for evangelism and public preaching.

  • We had a wonderful combined service at the Montanda Church on Sunday. We love seeing the churches in the area come together for worship.

  • Click here to donate to the Porter's

Papua New Guinea: Shawn & Bethany Waugh

  • We praise the Lord for your response to our cash need! We only need to raise a bit more before we can leave. Thank you to everyone for being a part of our ministry.

  • We appreciate your continued prayers as we await approval of Work Permits and Visas so we can return to PNG.

  • Pray for our kids as they will be going through a big transition soon and are already feeling some of the changes. 

  • Click here to read more on the Waugh's


Pumpkin Stand
Tree-lined Street

Missionaries available for services, events, & small group meetings:

Other Available Missionary Speakers:

-Dr. Mary Hermiz (Interim Missionary Supt. and former missionary) 740-777-7661
-Rev. Elmer Hines (Work Teams) 740-983-3771
-Dr. David Lattimer (Missionary Evangelist) 740-497-9410
-Rev. Scott Polley (168 IF ministry leader) 614-558-3790
-Rev. Michael Tipton (General Missionary Superintendent) 740-474-8856

Lending Library Information - The library is operated by the Christian Education Department.

You may request a resource by calling 937-695-0025 or e-mailing
Please order your items at least two weeks before they are needed.

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